Set-Apart Singles Saturday
Each Saturday we will take a look at various topics related to the Christian Single Adult.
Today, let's begin with a brief overview for understanding. We will also take a look at some of the advantages of being single in Christ.
What does it mean to be single?
Webster provides the following definitions:
single: (adjective) not married; (noun) an unmarried person and especially one young and socially active.
unmarried: not now or previously married; being divorced or widowed.
unattached: not married or engaged
unattached: not married or engaged
Side Note: I use a lot of definitions because it has been my experience that definitions bring clarity and understanding. Additionally, for the purpose of this entry, I would like to reinforce the understanding that persons that are in dating/courting relationships, who are divorced and/or widowed are defined as single. However, both terms single and unmarried will be used interchangeably, because unmarried is the term most commonly used in the Bible.
Worldly Advantages
- Opportunity to date and engage in uncommitted relationships
- Freedom to pursue education and career goals
- Independence to “Sow One’s Wild Oats”
- Liberty of a disposable income
These advantages aren’t all bad, but could be more advantageous if used to glorify God and establish the Kingdom of God.
Alright, let’s highlight some advantages to be unmarried as indicated in 1 Corinthian 7.
Kingdom Advantages
- Singleness is a gift!
But I wish everyone were single, just as I am. But God gives to some the gift of marriage, and to others the gift of singleness.
1 Corinthians 7:7 NLT
Sometimes I wish everyone were single like me—a simpler life in many ways! But celibacy is not for everyone any more than marriage is. God gives the gift of the single life to some, the gift of the married life to others.
1 Corinthians 7:7 MSG
- Paul writes that it is well and good to be single.
But to the unmarried people and to the widows, I declare that it is well (good, advantageous, expedient, and wholesome) for them to remain [single] even as I do.
1 Corinthians 7:8 AMP
- Singles can live free of fewer concerns, anxieties, distressing cares, and complications; and live to please the Lord.
I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord.
1 Corinthians 7:32 NIV
My desire is to have you free from all anxiety and distressing care. The unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord--how he may please the Lord.
1 Corinthians 7:32 AMP
I want you to be free from the concerns of this life. An unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lord’s work and thinking how to please him.
1 Corinthians 7:32 NLT
I want you to live as free of complications as possible. When you're unmarried, you're free to concentrate on simply pleasing the Master.
1 Corinthians 7:32-35 MSG
- Singles are called to live pure, holy, and self-controlled lives devoted to the Lord.
And the unmarried woman or girl is concerned and anxious about the matters of the Lord, how to be wholly separated and set apart in body and spirit . . . Now I say this for your own welfare and profit, not to put [a halter of] restraint upon you, but to promote what is seemly and in good order and to secure your undistracted and undivided devotion to the Lord.
1 Corinthians 7:34, 35 AMP
The unmarried can spend in becoming whole and holy instruments of God. I'm trying to be helpful and make it as easy as possible for you, not make things harder. All I want is for you to be able to develop a way of life in which you can spend plenty of time together with the Master without a lot of distractions.
1 Corinthians 7:34, 35 MSG
- Paul wrote a single person can be happier, more blessed, and to be envied!!!
But in my opinion [a widow] is happier (more blessed and to be envied) if she does not remarry. And also I think I have the Spirit of God.
1 Corinthians 7:40 AMP
These advantages may be difficult for some to believe and accept because of the culture that consumes our lives. However, we are called to have our minds renewed "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" Romans 12:2 KJV. Additionally, this is in no way a frown upon marriage, but the goal to help solidify the identity and purpose of the Set-Apart Christian Single Adult. I also, encourage you to read 1 Corinthians 7 in it’s entirely for continuity and contextual purposes.
It's an awesome time to be "So Into" God and the things of God when you are single. A married woman concerns herself with the care of her husband & children. Not that God comes after them, but her extra free time that she had to bask in the presence of God, may be taken up with family matters.
ReplyDeleteThat is so true. Thanks for the feedback!!!