Sunday, February 6, 2011

Every Woman's Battle by Shannon Ethridge

Suggested Readings Sunday

Greetings!!! I've really been feeling a press in my spirit to share one of my favorite books. Every Woman's Battle  is written by Shannon Ethridge modeled after Stephen Arterburn's Every Man's Battle and Every Young Man's Battle. Every Woman's Battle: Discovering God's Plan for Sexual and Emotional Fulfillment was written to address the sexual and emotional compromise women face whether married, engage, or single. The books is written to encourage women to "keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life," Proverbs 4:23 KJV. 

The book begins with demystifying the myth that sexual compromise was just a man's battle. However, sexual and emotional compromise does present to be a problem with women. Ethridge then introduces the need for balance and integrity in the lives of women physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Etheridge continues with addressing seven myths women believe that intensifies the battle which could lead to compromise including everything from fantasy to inappropriate media material. Ethridge then indicated that need for a revolution by accepting and knowing who we are in Christ. 

Ethridge transitions and begin to introduce a defense against compromise which included taking thoughts captive, guarding your heart, being mindful of words/communication, and setting and keeping boundaries. The final section of the book address our need to release past pain, present pride, and future fears by surrendering to Jesus. Finally, to learn true intimacy with God and maintaining watch over boundaries. 

This is a great book. Every Woman's Battle can be used for small group and/or read individually. Every Woman's Battle can be studied with a workbook and there is Every Single Woman's Battle design specifically for unmarried women. I've also studied Every Young Woman's Battle which addresses the same need for adolescent girls to embrace and begin the process of guarding their heart and bodies against sexual and emotional compromise a sex saturate world.

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