Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Your Faithfulness by Jon Thurlow

While attending the International House of Prayer's onething 2010 conference in Kansas City, MO this past December, I encountered this song. A few teens from our youth group and I decided we would visit the Prayer Room. IHOP had been having 24/7 prayer for 10 years which has been the catalyst to revival, miracles, sign, and wonders. While in the Prayer Room, Jon Thurlow was leading Worship and the Word, and was singing this song Your Faithfulness. Here's a live performance of Jon and his team. Enjoy!!!

Jon Thurlow is a worship leader at the International House of Prayer and an artist on Forerunner Records. He can be seen a few mornings during the week leading worship in the Prayer Room at IHOP. To learn more about Jon visit

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Teen Dating Violence: Date and Acquaintance Rape

Teachable Moment Tuesday

On several occasions I’ve come in contact with adolescent and young adult females who shared their stories that summed up to the definition of date rape. The variables were all similar, a young woman between the age of 13 and 19 years of age. This same young woman was attending a party with friends and/or acquaintances. This young woman was then coerced to engage in underage alcohol consumption to the point of inebriation, then encouraged to participate in sexual activity that could include everything from performing varying sexual acts to sexual intercourse. When confronted with the fact that they were in fact a victim of sexual assault and/or rape. They vehemently report that they were aware of what happened and they were in control. But, is that really true?

The Illinois State Police Department define date rape by the following:
Date rape is a form of acquaintance rape. It is the forced sexual contact by someone the victim is or has been dating. Regardless of the amount of time a couple has dated--in some cases, they may have just met and it may be the first "date," they may have been together for years, or even no longer a couple--when sex is forced on someone by the use of threats, intimidation, trickery, or in cases where consent cannot be given because of impaired judgment due to alcohol or drug intoxication, it is RAPE. And, it is against the law.

In most cases, the influence of alcohol or a chemical substance removes a person’s inhibitors, both physical and psychological. Being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is not an excuse for sexual violence.

Unfortunately, researchers have not been able to properly calculate statistics, because of many victims fail to report these incidents. However, the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (ICASA) provide the following statistics for sexual assault among adolescent:
· More than 70% of rape victims knew their attackers, compared to about half of all violent crime victims.
· 90% of rape victims who knew their attacker did not report the attack to the police.
· 38% of acquaintance rape victims are 14-17 years old.
· 90% of rape victims under age 13 knew their attacker.
· 57% of the rapes happened on dates
· Only 27% of the women considered themselves to be victims of rape, although their assaults met the legal definition of rape, which is indicated above.
So, how do we prevent further incidents of date/acquaintance rape from occurring among adolescents?
1. Educate.
Give yourselves to disciplined instruction; open your ears to tested knowledge. Don't be afraid to correct your young ones . . . (you) might save them from something worse than death.
Proverbs 23:12-14 Message

2. Support.
The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
Proverbs 12:18 NIV

3. Guide them to the comfort of the Lord.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18 NIV

Monday, April 11, 2011

Trial by Jury: Decision Making

Ministry@Work Monday

It came in the mail. With dread I opened my call to serve Jury Duty. I'd received notices before. I had good excuses to avoid it in the past. My first notice came when I was an undergraduate at the University of Illinois at Chicago. At that time they excused my attendance due to my school schedule. The next time I was a stand-by Juror, and was not required to attend. But, this time I had to show up early on a Friday morning, and was selected to serve. With great protest within I went this morning only to take on a role that is a great benefit to serve someone else, their livelihood, and their future.

Jury is defined as a group of persons selected to make a decision, especially in the court of law.

Role of a Juror
  • Responsible for gathering information.
  • Accurately and objectively weighing details and facts.
  • Determining the best and most suitable decision for the parties involved.
Initially, I was resistant to the idea of being involved in the decision making process of a law proceeding. However a consulted a few scriptures to support me and guide in prayer in relation to my role. I’m sure I not the only one whose faced with the responsibility of decision making. Daily in our work lives we must rationalize and reason information and facts that will impact our own selves and others.

And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.
Isaiah 11:2 KJV

Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven.
Colossians 4:1 NIV

The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1 NKJV

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Secrets of the Vine for Women: Breakthrough to Abundance by Darlene Marie Wilkinson

Suggested Reading Sunday
Six years ago I received this great book for my 21st birthday. This was an awesome addition to my growing personal library. The book is written by Darlene Marie Wilkinson, the wife and ministry partner to Bruce Wilkinson. This book was written as a counterpart for women to Bruce’s bestselling book, Secrets of the Vine.

The book in written based on Jesus’ teaching to the disciples in John 15. Darlene begins discussing the importance of a Spiritual Harvest indicating God’s desire to bring us to an abundant life. Darlene continued in discussing Jesus as the Vine, God as the Vinedresser, and we as branches as God’s desire for us to produce good fruit. According to Darlene, God’s desire and process to produce fruit was by His love. God’s discipline comes to root out sin and is confirmed that God chastisement is for those whom He loves, Hebrew 12:7-8, 11.

One of the key concepts discussed in Secrets of the Vine for Women was pruning. Pruning as related to gardening was defined as removing unwanted plant parts for a purpose. Darlene wrote “pruning is God’s way of making room in your life for more of what matters most,” in accords to John 15:2 that reads “Every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” The abundant production of fruit is highlighted to be birthed from abiding in Christ, having an intimate relationship. Lastly, Darlene shared that commitment to the process and time was necessary to bring forth a prized glorious harvest of fruit.

This is certainly an awesome study companion to the teaching of Jesus as the True Vine in John 15. Hope you can grab you a copy of this great book. Enjoy!!!